Sunday, February 7, 2010

Call me Martha Stewart!

Thanks to my amazing sister in law Cheryl, I have become a bit crafty. While she was here over the Holidays I said "I want to learn how to make a rag quilt", of course it was no problem for her to teach me maybe just a little nerveracking shopping with me since it took longer to pick the material than it did to make the darn quilt. So needless to say I am on my third quilt. Then my friend Holly was making a scarf using a loom it was my kind of craft with quick results so I have finished three of those as well......


Mandy said...

Those are really cute!!! good job liz!

The Holders said...

I am so impressed!! Cute fabrics!

Ashley Blackburn said...

That's impressive Liz!!

Unknown said...

LIZ! So CUTE! Will you make me a rag quilt!! The scarves are so cute too! Way to go!

Tammy said...

Seriously you need to come and give me lessons. Why is it that I am the antithesis (sp?) of crafty?